Monday, June 23, 2014

Hey guys! Oh my gosh, it's been awhile!

haaaaaaaaaaaay! wow guys it has been a little while since i have blogged and i can say that i have sort of missed it. i know ya'll have missed my riveting stories about my life. yeah right!
ok so i am at my dad's! i have been for a week and i'll bee here for another week! it's been relatively awesome and i have no complaints about anything this time.
so my life has been going good, no drawbacks and this whole vegan lifestyle is just even more awesome! i hit my 3 monthaversary without even realizing and i just keep reaping the benefits!
my little bro is just so cute, he has learned so much and gotten a little bigger that it just melts my heart!
i know i am rambling here, i really don't have much to say.
right now the only sort of drawback is that i am sick with bronchitis, well it is most likely that, not sure yet. i mean it is a drawback in some ways, but in other ways i get to rest my voice and heal, rejuvenate, and all that jazz. i feel great, i just sound horrible. so yeah that is about it, like i said not much to say. i am probably not going to post until i come back again in July so i will see you all then and i wish ya'll a fruitful day and an even more fruitful life!
oh before i forget i enrolled in Texarkana College and will be attending this fall! so i am giving college another go. wish me luck! byeeeee!

~Ciao~ <3