Thursday, April 9, 2015


hey guys so I wanted to post something quick to tell u how I am feeling. I am frustrated. My mom always gripes at me for everything and then I flip out and kind of yell at her. She yells right back though. Then when I try to apologize she tells. Ew that I'm not sorry, like she knows exactly how I feel, the fact is that I actually am sorry. I have my mood swings and I snap, everyone does. But I really think she is a bully. She constantly criticizes me and tries to bring down my day, even callas me names. I am sick of it I dealt with it for five years straight and I ended up trying to kill myslef and wanting to be dead. 
All the anger has left me I just feel sorry for someone who can't be happy. I mean she wakes up angry and goes to bed stressed out and angry. I understand she has bills to pay and us kids to care for, but she could be happy for once. I truly believe she has stopped trusting in God. I told her the other day to give her problems to God and she just brushed it off with a fake smile and a thumbs up. Really? It bothers me, but that is her relationship with Him, not mine so I don't have any place to say anything. 
Ok just cannot wait to move out on my own so I can start my life you know? My grandmother pointed something out to me today, if I could just move out I could be away from the influence of bad habits. I eat vegan junk food because my family eats unhealthy, and I see it as an excuse to never truly take charge of my health. 
You know I've been on both sides of bullying and neither are fun. I did not know that I was bullying someone until after I had been bullied and realized I said some of the same things to people. Hey I know this video is a few years old, but go watch Meanamorphasis on YouTube.
Thanks for reading and go watch my blog I post one everyday and I link it to my Facebook and Twitter. Until next time. -M