Saturday, May 16, 2015

Meditation and Yoga

Hey guys I am back! I have not posted here in quite some time, but I have good reasons. I started my vlog channel, I've been writing a book, and I have been busy with my puppy.

Yes I now have an adorable 12 week, no almost 13 week old Boxer German Shepard mix puppy. Her name is Daisy May Dawn Blythe and she is a mess. She bites and scratches me to no end, but I would not trade any moment with her for anything. I love my baby girl! Here is a pic:
This is from the day I got her so she has grown considerably. She was only 6 weeks there, a tiny little thing that loved to sleep on my chest and lick me like crazy. The story goes like this: I had just received one of my last paychecks at the job I had and we went to Walmart to get food and other essentials. ON the way out o the parking lot we saw a car with a crate full of puppies by it. They were giving them away to a good home. I convinced my mom by showing her the puppies. I almost picked out one of Daisy's brothers. He was a pure white puppy with a brown circle around his eye. However I was not meant to have him, the second I held my Daisy in my arms I knew she would be my forever friend. I love this baby girl.

Okay on to today's topic! So i woke up this morning feeling a little groggy and not really wanting to exercise. I have been having bad days all week. Depression is a constant and daily battle that I struggle with. Anyway I decided yoga would be fun and then I realized that I suck at yoga. So i tried meditation instead and I have never felt more clam and peaceful in my entire life. It was relaxing and I was serene. I just listened to meditation music on YouTube and it did wonders for me. I highly recommend it. I will not be giving up on yoga however, I will try everyday!
That is my quick blog for the day I will see you all later! If you want to watch my life the head over here to my YouTube channel and find awesomeness.
Thanks so much and have an amazing day!
