Thursday, November 27, 2014

Angry Cry

Ever get so mad that you cry? Well I do all the time. Sorry to be writing to you so late, but I was over at my step mother's neice's place eating and no one on this side of the family knows time management. So we were leaving and we had to ride in the old car from the 60's I bbelieve, and it has heavy doors and I couldn't really get it open and my dad and older brother just keep calling me weak and saying I have no strength whatsoever and I nearly punched them. Then you got my little brother that has an additudinal problem that needs adjusting. I just want to scream and cry. I can do anything right in the eyes of my parents, and I don't give a fuck anymore! I am sick and tired of being treated like I am a worthless pile of shit, I will not stand for it anymore! I am also so sick of my dad calling the town where I live a Podunk town that I need to get out of. I like where I live and I want to stay there, it's my home, De Kalb is a place I love and fuck you if you don't like that!
Now I apologize for my cursing, but I honestly don't care anymore. I can't take it, I may always have a sarcastic comeback, but I do break easily.

Ok that's all I wanted to say so thank you for reading/listening/being my shoulder to cry on and vent to.
See you next time!
God bless!
Peace, Love, Puppies!


Raw Vegan Terimusu

Omg it is soooooooooo yummy!
Half an apple, 1-2 RIPE bananas, cinnamon.
Blend those until a thick chunky pudding like consistency.
Cut thin layers of the rest of the apple and 1-2 other bananas
Place a couple Apple pieces on a plate, then some of the pudding on top and then a banana layer with pudding on top and repeat until desired height.
Dust a little cinnamon on top when finished.

It is as simple as that and it is simply delicious! So give and try and comment down below what you think of it, and comment if you would like more blogs like this! Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for you guys! Peace, Love, and Puppies! God Bless!


Wednesday, November 26, 2014


hey guys coming to u late, really late, but ya'll know once I have something in my head to say I have to write it out or I can't sleep.
Ok so I haven't watched any Trent Shelton videos in a very LONG time, a couple years at most, but I just finished one about change Nd the media and racial inequality. I agree with Trent completely and I truly am going to be the change I wish to see in this world. That is the whole reason I am vegan! I want the world to have this gift and feeling amazing while eating as much as they want and look amazing AND be healthy for once in their life! I want to save animals from the horrible fate of being food you know? Being vegan keeps them off my plate so that's one step closer to a big goal of a mass amount of people being vegan. Do I expect the entire world to be vegan? No, I don't believe one day everyone will be, but I believe that everyone has the right to know what they support when they eat meat, drink milk, and consume other animal products; then it is their choice to go vegan or not. People give me this b.s. About humanely slaughtering their food, but that is a lie b/c their is no such thing as humanely killing a living being. I don't impose my views on anyone, and I have ever tried it was by accident because I have found that first time vegans just want the whole world to be vegan right away, but it's not the case and it's hard to not tell everyone how excited you are, trust me. It has taken almost 9 months to get me to where I am right now; and no I'm not talking about a baby just being vegan. When I first found this lifestyle it took me five months to actually accept it and put it into practice,  but it was the best decision of my life and I'm never going back, NO MATTER how many uneducated remarks I get about protein. Anyways I wanted to give ya'lol a quick little post because it was on my mind. I will be posting again in the morning, I wish you a happy thanksgiving, free of turkey for me of course, and a safe holiday break. Goodnight to all! Peace, Love, and PUPPIES!!🐶

God Bless


Wednesday, November 19, 2014


hey again! So as promised here is the recipe for the most delicious thing I have ever made.

Vegan Potato Gnocchi:

You will need 3-4 small potatoes or more if you are really hungry.
Flour (can be gluten free if you have an intolerance to gluten)
Herbs (if you like adding a little spice to your life)
Something to shred the potatoes (I used an old cheese grader that has never been used before)
A pot
Pasta sauce

Cooking Instructions:
Bring a pot of water to the boil and stick your potatoes in, do not peal them or cut them in pieces.
When they have set for about 15 minutes take them out and wait about 2 minutes. Then peel the skin off and start shredding or as the professionals call it ricing your potatoes. Once you have got that all down sift your flour and herbs into the potatoes and roll it all into a dough, you will experience a lot of stickiness and gooeyness from the potatoes. Once you have it rolled up cut off a piece roll it into a long stick and cut off pieces of the desired length and thickness. The. Dust a little flour on a fork and roll each little "noodle" to make an identation on one side. Stick them in a pot of boiling water and when they rise to the top of the water they are ready. Pour your sauce all over it and enjoy. You will need extra sauce, because the gnocchi can be altitude dry without a lot of sauce. And this device I am currently typing on is not letting me share pictures, so head over to my Facebook and you will see it. You will find it at this site. It is the most delicious thing I have ever tasted. I have made it 3 times already, it's just that good. It tastes like regular pasta and it's actually healthy for you. I plan on making more tonight. Hope you guys have a great rest of the day and I will be posting again soon. See ya!

Peace, Love, and Puppies!


Cruel Pranks

Good morning all of you lovelies out there! Hope life is treating you well, before I get into today's topic I want to give a shout out to Warrior, love the latest post girl, made me laugh.

Okay onto what I wanted to talk about. As all of you know I am vegan and being vegan I have compassion for ALL animals and fellow vegans. Now Jenna Marbles, YouTube extroadanaire, has recently come back to the vegan movement, though her boyfriend is a meat eater. Well he recently pranked her by putting cow's milk into her 5 hour energy drink. Yes those are vegan. She drank it and was disgusted, of course, but I don't know what else she did about that. Help me out here, if someone you love and respect does something to you that he or she knows you dislike why would you stay with that jerk? To me that is the highest level of disrespect, I mean to give your VEGAN gf cow's milk when you know she hates it and has high standards of not drinking it is so rude. If I was Jenna I would be dumping Julian right now. If you want to know more about this go to and check out Freelee the Banana Girl's newest video. That is it for this post, but not to worry I have a new one coming for you very soon involving a delicious recipe and pictures! Alright I wish you all the best day and I will see you soon!

Peace, Love, and Puppies!
