Thursday, November 27, 2014

Angry Cry

Ever get so mad that you cry? Well I do all the time. Sorry to be writing to you so late, but I was over at my step mother's neice's place eating and no one on this side of the family knows time management. So we were leaving and we had to ride in the old car from the 60's I bbelieve, and it has heavy doors and I couldn't really get it open and my dad and older brother just keep calling me weak and saying I have no strength whatsoever and I nearly punched them. Then you got my little brother that has an additudinal problem that needs adjusting. I just want to scream and cry. I can do anything right in the eyes of my parents, and I don't give a fuck anymore! I am sick and tired of being treated like I am a worthless pile of shit, I will not stand for it anymore! I am also so sick of my dad calling the town where I live a Podunk town that I need to get out of. I like where I live and I want to stay there, it's my home, De Kalb is a place I love and fuck you if you don't like that!
Now I apologize for my cursing, but I honestly don't care anymore. I can't take it, I may always have a sarcastic comeback, but I do break easily.

Ok that's all I wanted to say so thank you for reading/listening/being my shoulder to cry on and vent to.
See you next time!
God bless!
Peace, Love, Puppies!


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