Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Long time no blog

Hey guys happy Tuesday!!! Hope all you are having an awesome day! It's been quite awhile since I have been on here and I gotta say I have missed ya! How are you loyals out there? Good? GREAT!! Well so am I! I did not win the giveaway and I'm okay with that, but I have other news. So I got a job and I worked there for a week. Yes I know that is bad, but my mom could not manage the gas and they weren't even paying me minimum wage. It was at Dairy Queen. Yes I know the worst job to have, but there are even worse jobs out there. I could have been working at McDonalds! I got my check yesterday and it turned out to be a lot more than I expected! So I went to Walmart and loaded up with fruits and veggies and some other items. I even managed to spend less than half of my check! So score 1 for me right? I just have to find a new job now so I can get that steady flow of money in so I can help my mom out and help out my family in general. I feel great and I am even looking a little better as well. I don't know how much weight I have lost and I honestly don't care, but when I was looking in the mirror I was like woah wait a second I look a little thinner. My clothes are baggier and I just look better all over. I am breaking out though and that is just due to my body adjusting to this new lifestyle. I love it all though, it's been a bumpy road, but it's evening out now and soon it will be a smooth ride.
So time for other news. I called my dad up and asked him if he would help me move up there or at least help me persuade my grandma, his mother, to let me stay with her. I fully expected a no right out, but he said he would. Well, I call up my grandmother and she says no, so I'm stuck here. I don't mind living here in East Texas, but there isn't much opportunity out here for me and I am not getting much luck with anything. I know I am burdening my mother by staying there on the couch, but she won't throw me out or even tell me to get out, so I am stuck. I need to find another job quickly so I can try to move out on my own again. I need to start living in the real world again. I was on my own once and I crashed and burned, but I know better this time and I want to give it another try. I am not going back to college though, that I cannot handle at the moment. I want to work, I like having something set out for me to do every day. I applied to Jewelry Galore here in TK and I haven't heard anything back form them, but a little optimism never hurt anyone, right? I finally have seen what Warrior meant when she said there is always room for improvement. I am on this world to improve not only myself each and every day, but others too. I want to help other achieve their dreams and the only way is to start with myself.
Now for something a little more serious. You will never guess who contacted my sister just to talk to me. Drum roll please! My ex-roommate. Cue the flash of lightning and the thunder! At first she wanted to know how I was doing so I told my sister to not even answer her, but she persisted so I said tell her I don't want anything to do with her ever again. She then continued to insult me and my family, so I grabbed the phone and told her "Listen little bitch leave me and my family alone!" She then said a few other choice words and then stopped texting my sister. So semi-crisis adverted right? I guess, maybe she will finally get the message.

That that that ttthhhat's all folks! So I hope you found this entertaining and I will see you awesome people next blog!


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