Monday, April 14, 2014

Munchin Monday

hey guys! happy Monday! I am sitting here at the TA Center at TK College just munchin on this huge bowl of watermelon! I know it's not exactly the right season for watermelon, but I just LOOOOVE it! I think I am going to a theme for every day that I post, Mondays are going to be Munchin Mondays! I haven't got it all figured out yet, but I have a few ideas so we'll see!
So how are all ya! I am gonna try to make this post quick, but you all know me, that word is not in my vocabulary when it comes to blogging! Ha ha! Anyways so an update on how I am doing; not much to tell. I am doing great, staying strong on this lifestyle and in all other aspects, I am actually starting to see a difference in my appearance and other aspects of my life. Things are looking up! I keep telling myself that every minute I spend upset about something is another 60 seconds I could have spent happy. I choose to be happy now and I don't let anyone take that away from me anymore! Although yesterday I was feeling down and I know I will always have bad days, but I realized it was from not going to church. I haven't been to church in a while and I honestly don't know why. I mean my relationship with God is great, but I have been losing faith a lot lately. I hate that and I am trying to restore it, but I just can't bring myself to go to church on Sunday. I honestly cannot fathom why I don't want to go to church. Maybe I just need to go to a very quiet place and talk to God, pray, and read His word! This has happened quite often with my faith. I'll have such great and strong faith for a while and then something happens and I get off track so to speak, then I will come back strong and renewed. It's weird, and I don't like it. I want a constantly strong relationship with Him. I know I just gotta keep living the good life!
So anyways this is dragging on so I am gonna go, I have to finish this watermelon. I will see you awesome people next blog! (Which may be either later today or tomorrow!) K, BYEEEEEEEE!


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