Tuesday, March 11, 2014

So it's been a couple days!

ok guys it's been a couple days and wow nothing has changed except for my insight and perspective. i haven't consumed any animal or animal products since Saturday and I feel AWESOME! I feel as if I have a little more insight into the Raw Vegan/Cooked Vegan lifestyle. I am enjoying this journey so far and I just know this is really going to stick this time. So my perspective has changed on who I wanna be. I don't want to be the person I had become in college, or the person that I was when I let someone dictate my life and bully me into dropping everyone, except for her. I have also gained perspective in that I want to help people. I want to be an influence for people around me and others I haven't met yet. I want to travel and change the way people think. I know that I can't go back to college because I can't become what I was again and I hated sitting through lectures and just repeating high school all over again. It's not for me. Now I know some of you are gonna say that I need college to get a respectable job and have any hope for a career, but I don't want that. Yes I need a job and I will get one, but some of the most successful people in the world today never went to college or even finished high school. It's not about what you know exactly, it's more about who you know and how you use who and a little of what you know to improve others' lives. I want to experience the world, it's about time that I take action. There is this 2014 Thailand Fruit Festival this July and I so want to go. All I need is a plane ticket and I can get a job after Spring Break then I could save up and go. Well I need a passport too, of course, it may take until July to do this, but I think it would be fun. There are places to stay there that range from free to $1000 a night. Of course I would try to stay as cheap as possible. It's July 1-15 and I think it's possible. I mean it is a unrealistic expectation to believe that I will actually go, but my new policy is to shoot for the sky and maybe end up among the stars.

So now time for something a little more serious. I just reread the messages that I had sent Warrior when everything blew up in my face. She set off so many truth bombs that I needed to hear and I didn't pay attention to what she was trying to tell me. I honestly can't believe I let the ex-roommate type all of those mean things. I let her, I owed it to Warrior to be a decent friend and a decent human being and I was neither. I read those messages and they don't even sound like me, yes I was pretty bad at cussing back then and I had changed a lot, but what she said sounded like her, not me. I am the biggest idiot in the world for letting that happen. Everything happens for a reason though, so maybe it was meant to happen. Maybe so I could finally be rid of the ex-roommate in a complete turn around away. Warrior and I had to end our friendship so that I could see the ex-roommate for who she really was and get her out of my life. I should have realized from the first moment that we shouldn't have been friends. You wanna know the first thing she said to me after Warrior visited me for the first time up at the college? She said that she did not like Warrior and a bunch of other nasty things I care not to repeat. There were so many signs that I just ignored, like the first time I cut class, or the first time I stayed up for literally 3 days straight. Soooooooooo... what I am doing right now is that I am looking through my Facebook and deleting all those pics of us and any picture of me that doesn't have good taste. I really let my cleavage hang all out there and that's not good since I have big bahoobies. I am disgusted with who I was. See The Bible says, and I am paraphrasing here to best of my ability, If you hang around wicked people you will soon learn their ways and become just like them. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED! Now I am not trying to bash anybody here, ok I am not friends with the ex-roommate, nor do I talk to her, but that doesn't give me any right to judge her. I have judged Warrior unfairly though. I threw her to the side and for that I can never say sorry enough. I am sorry though, I hope we can friends again one day.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyways I hope you like this blog and if you do give it a thumbs up and leave any questions or comments in the section below and I will see you awesome people next blog!

~Ciao~ <3

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