Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Hi Loyals!

Hey guys wassup? Oh my gosh it's been such a great day! I have had so much fun today. I made some plain mash potatoes and a bunch of salad today! Salad is so amazingly satisfying, I can't even believe sometimes. I feel so full, overly full almost! So I watched a Freelee the Banana Girl video today, a new one, and it made me cry! I have seen a video about the slaughterhouse before, but never something quite like this. I will never touch meet again! I will never eat another animal by product again if I can help it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kD0RTBtl0Pc  I recommend you go watch this right away, in my opinion if you are gonna eat a burger you should at least know what is in it. I just am absolutely gutted by all of this. I can't believe that people would actually do that to these poor defenseless animals. It makes me sick to my stomach that I used to eat these animals, and that I shoveled all this crap into my system.

Anyways, today has been a productive day! I washed the dishes, cleaned out the fridge about halfway and I did some laundry. I just completed my vision book! It is comprised of things that I want out of life, what I want to look like, and inspiration. I also put some foods in there that I can eat to my heart's content! I think that is gonna be the way I jump start this life style! There is this other video that I absolutely love, it is a parody of Roar by Katy Perry and it's pretty awesome! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Mx5p954rjU Def watch this too! It is very catchy.

Okay so that is pretty much it for now,I will post tomorrow if I can. Until then I will see you awesome people next blog! God Bless!


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