Wednesday, February 5, 2014


hey errrrrrbody?!!! how are you on this lovely morning!? I am having a nice fresh start to an awesome day. I was feeling a little crappy when I woke up, but I had some breakfast and now I feel better. So far today I haven't done much, but I am about to do a LOT! I am going to reorganize my closet to where everything actually fits! I am gonna clean and possibly do the dishes again. I will hopefully stay as vegan as possible. I had some wheat toast for bfast, 3 pieces; but bread is so high in sodium so I am going to try to stay away form it. Now in this journey I wish to embark on I will have a back up plan. My first plan is to go high car, low fat, low sodium, raw vegan. Plan B is to go cooked vegan, which is just eating faux foods, like faux mac n'cheese and so on and so forth. I hope I can do this, I really believe the cooked food cravings are leaving because I saw my family eating a burger yesterday and I didn't even have an urge to go and make myself one. I see commercials about all these cooked foods and animal products and they just don't appeal to me like they used to.

Ok so today's scriptures are Hebrews 1 and it is amazing, it's about what God made Christ for and what He made angels for. I love it! The second is Genesis 45:1-46:27, and that is a continuation of yesterday's and it is still captivating. The last is Psalm 36, that is about how the wicked and evil doers plot against the Godly and how think and how that when God conquers them, they don't return. I hope you read those verses!

So I hope everyone had a great time reading this and I hope it was relevant to your day. I will be posting again later today if I can, and that may include some pictures! Ok so I am gonna go because my computer is about to restart, but I wish you a great day and I will see you awesome people next blog!


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