Thursday, April 24, 2014


So I can't think of a song to title this blog so you're getting heeeey!

Hey guys happy Thursday!!!! Oh my goodness gracious so much has happened in the last 20-30 something hours and yeah it may be long! So on the first item on the list is my dad. He had a hernia recently and had to undergo surgery and he's ok, but I am worried about him. Not as much as the next item on the list: my mother. She received news from her lab results that she had a critical hemoglobin and needed to get to the hospital for a blood transfusion asap. So we all get packed to spend the night at my grandmothers and I am freaking out, I know ti's nothing too serious but I am a drama queen so I always freak out when it comes to things like this. She had to have four bags dripped into her and each bag takes four hours, she should be done by the time you read this blog, but I am just really worried about her. Ok so the next item is me, yes I know conceited right? Whatever. Ok so I gave blood 2 hours ago and I am actually starting to worry this time. I have done 6 times before and never bruised and I my arm has never hurt, so I am slightly worried about that. I'm also having weird heart problems going on so we'll wait and see. Oh I almost forgot my mom also has a heart murmur. I am casting all my worries on God and just letting it see its way through. I had the most amazing talk with God this morning, my grandma was driving to TC College and I look at the sky and she the sun poking out casting these beautiful rays on the ground below and it took my breath away. I was awestruck at this magnificent creation of God and I praised Him right then and there. I talked to Him and thanked Him for this wonderful day and my amazing life. You know a wise person, ( I'm not sure who), once said, "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but the moments that take our breath away." I love that quote, it's awesome. So the item on the list is Warrior. You know her? If not then go check out her blog: !!! Ok well yesterday I was just angry for no reason really, I don't even remember and I was asking God for peace and He gave it to me. I went on Facebook and found Warrior's page and I saw that she had gone back to blonde and I was like woah awesome I gotta tell her that I think it look awesome! So I did and I apologized again for my rude behavior in the past, you all know about it. She said it was water under the bridge and we actually talked! We did today too! I am a little reluctant to talk about this because I'm afraid that it will stop. I was happy to say the least and I felt calmer. So Warrior thanks again for talking to me again, it means a lot.
Ok so the last item on the list is that little piece of me trip down memory lane project I was gonna post, well I have decided to not post it for now, I may in the unforeseen future though, so keep an eye out.

Well that is it for now lovelies, I mean loyals! I will see you awesome people next blog! K BYEEEE

P.S. Eat at least one piece of fruit today!


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