Thursday, January 30, 2014

Time is flying

O my G-O-S-H guys! It's almost February! I can't even believe it! Time is literally flying so fast! Like what is going on? It's 2014 and on top of that January is almost over! So tomorrow is a another big day for Lovatics! The other day was a big day because it was Lovatic Day! It was 3 years Unbroken for Demi! She has been out of rehab and strong for 3 years this past Tuesday! That's amazing! I remember when she went into rehab, t doesn't see like it was that long ago, but it really was. Ok so tomorrow is the warrior project for all Lovatics! On our wrists we will write Skyscraper if we know someone who is dealing with self-harm, an eating, etc. We write Unbroken on our wrists if we are currently dealing with self-harm, an eating disorder, etc. Warrior if you are in a recovery stage and Strong just to show support. Now this can be anything like self-harm, eating disorder, mental disorder, addiction, anything really. I think this is going to be cool! I personally will be writing Skyscraper, Warrior, and Strong! This explains some of what she has gone through and a description of each thing. 

So if you want support not only us, but Demi as well! Anyways about time flying! I am baffled by how much time has passed, and how fast it is passing these days! I think we shouldn't squander a day away. Like I have been lazy a lot this past week, but I am getting to a point where I am am giving myself individual projects to stay busy! Like today, I was so productive! I was surprised at how productive I was. I got up fairly early, I mean it was like 10 something, but I didn't waste a second of time today! I was a clean machine! I ate toast for breakfast, which in hindsight is not the healthiest or best breakfast, but it filled me up temporarily. It was also all I had to eat. So then I watched like about 10 minutes of a show, but then I got off my ass and told myself I wasn't about to spend most of the day watching t.v. So I grabbed my laundry and got it folded and put away and then I cleaned out a section of the closet I am using right now and rearranged it to where it is accessible. Then I put some good tunes on and did the dishes, took out the trash, made a lunch of spaghetti; which turned out horrible, (I ended up eating toast again), then I swept the entire living room floor, and the kitchen floor as well. I put clean rugs in the bathroom and cleaned up a little in there. I made up my bed, which is the couch currently. I organized all of my stuff that I use everyday into a little space on the coffee table in the corner of the room, and I even got a good workout doing all of this! Now I mentioned a Youtuber in my last blog called Freelee the Banana Girl, she is awesome. She does 100 squats a day, on top of her other workout of course, but still 100 every day! I did that early this evening and I feel amazing! It took the length of one song to finish 100, the song was Talk Dirty to Me by Jason Derulo. It's a GREAT song to workout to! Anyways as I was talking about before, I think we need to cherish every moment we have on this earth! You know? If we want to do something we should just go and do it while we have the motivation and the mindset to do it! We shouldn't waste time making so many plans and never following through with them I used to be a big planner, and yes I do have daily things I like to do, but I don't plan way crazy into the future because I don't know what it holds. Only God does! Yes it's been awhile since I have really mentioned God in my blogs and I apologize for that! My relationship with Him has actually been great lately. I read The Bible every single day, sometimes I wait till' night to read,which is bad, but I am reading. I am also praying to Him, and talking to Him, and really just growing in my relationship with Him. GOD IS GREAT! He has blessed me so much more than I deserve and I am so thankful for all He has done! 
Yeah so guess what!? It's been, I believe, almost a full week without soda! I know what you are thinking: What? I thought this month you were kicking soda all together Maggs!! Well yes, but it takes 31 days to form a habit and be able to stick with it! I can tell you it hasn't been easy, but I am doing it! I love water so much! I am only drinking it currently, which is good, however; I need other drinks. I want some juice or tea, but I don't have any so water is my drink right now! Going back to talking about Freelee, her diet is a high carb/raw till 4/vegan and it is absolutely amazing! Not only does she look great, but she feels great and is very healthy! Now a lot of people are hating on her lately and I just hate to see that happen. You know we should all encourage one another and be kind! Besides that, I want to adopt her lifestyle! Which is the raw till 4 vegan diet and high intensity workouts twice a week! As of right now I can't do that. I simply don't have the money to bankroll it! So I am going to slowly work my way into this diet. I am cutting out beef entirely, and I pretty much have already done that! I am cutting lunch meat out, already done a long time ago, and cutting a #%! load of junk food out as well! I may eat meat and animal by products, but it won't be a vast majority of them! I know that's not the most ideal, but it's all I can do right now. Once I get a job, which I have applied everywhere, and I can save up enough to actually do this fully raw/cooked vegan diet I will do it with ease! So fingers crossed I can get a steady job! So I know this is a really long post, just bare with me here! I applied at Finish Line online earlier and all over Texarkana, so I am just hoping and praying I receive news. I even applied up at the 7-11 here in Avery! Let's just hope something good soon! Ok so as of now I have lost another 3 pounds! Which is awesome! I mean I celebrate every pound lost, which I believe is actually helping me! 
WeeklyChris uploaded a new video today so I was you I would go check it out right now, like stop reading and go watch it! It's about not comparing yourself to others. It's amazing and actually very helpful. I tend to compare my outer self to everyone  else! I know that's bad, but I do it, I'm trying to stop. So what did you think of the video? Well I know not many, if not any, will actually comment responding to that question. Oh well. 
Anyways I am going to wrap this long blog up and leave you with a question. Do you feel like you compare yourself to others too much? I hope you liked this post and I will see you all later! Good nigh and God Bless!


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